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So, what did we think?

Moroi Princess
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So, what did we think? - Page 2 Empty Re: So, what did we think?

Post by some_random2 Fri Mar 20, 2009 2:15 am

Haha. Now I have to remember who Isaiah is....

It's okay. It'll come to me.
You know what? I don't like any of the guys in the books. They all seem pretty.... boring. I don't think she's very good at characterization (I know that's not the right term for this), because they all seem to have very jumpy personalities.

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So, what did we think? - Page 2 Empty Re: So, what did we think?

Post by XoX-Strigoi-XoX Fri Mar 20, 2009 2:27 am

i guess...molly, did you choose to be a dhampir or did hayley just make you one?

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So, what did we think? - Page 2 Empty Re: So, what did we think?

Post by some_random2 Fri Mar 20, 2009 2:38 am

I chose. Because I felt like a weirdo being the only one with a white name.

OH, wait....
Sorry, Zoe.

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So, what did we think? - Page 2 Empty Re: So, what did we think?

Post by playradioplay Fri Mar 20, 2009 4:49 am

I have only just started reading it. I found all three of the books online just moments ago. But already, pages into it, it reminds me too much of Twilight. Not the story, just the way it's written, not to mention the whole vampire thing. I don't like the way it's written though, but I really want to. I hope it gets better.

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So, what did we think? - Page 2 Empty Re: So, what did we think?

Post by Moroi Princess Fri Mar 20, 2009 3:59 pm

It does get better.
It didn't really remind me of Twilight. Twilight is old, and this is new.
It's not even the new Twilight. It's just a good book.

I hope you enjoy it.
Moroi Princess
Moroi Princess
Moroi - Fire User

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So, what did we think? - Page 2 Empty Re: So, what did we think?

Post by playradioplay Fri Mar 20, 2009 5:44 pm

Yeah, I read on a bit more and it did get better. I noticed a few mistakes though, not sure if that's just my copy... I want to read more now, but I have to do my maths assignment. Dayum.

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So, what did we think? - Page 2 Empty Re: So, what did we think?

Post by some_random2 Fri Mar 20, 2009 6:17 pm

playradioplay wrote:The way it's written, not to mention the whole vampire thing. I don't like the way it's written though, but I really want to. I hope it gets better.

Yeah. That's what I didn't like about it.
But as vampire books go, this is pretty good compared to what it could be, because it's not typical. It's creative with the different races, and whatever.

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So, what did we think? - Page 2 Empty Re: So, what did we think?

Post by Moroi Princess Fri Mar 20, 2009 6:18 pm

Yeah, there were mistakes in the book as well. It was really annoying. Jenni thinks that the book was just rushed to get there in time for Twilight.
Moroi Princess
Moroi Princess
Moroi - Fire User

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So, what did we think? - Page 2 Empty Re: So, what did we think?

Post by XoX-Strigoi-XoX Sat Mar 21, 2009 7:22 pm

sure, why not?

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So, what did we think? - Page 2 Empty Re: So, what did we think?

Post by Moroi Princess Sun Mar 22, 2009 4:24 pm

Because she can.
Moroi Princess
Moroi Princess
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So, what did we think? - Page 2 Empty Re: So, what did we think?

Post by Magic Sun Mar 22, 2009 7:16 pm

is too much like twilight and it looks like it was thrown together also the flash backs are confusing

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So, what did we think? - Page 2 Empty Re: So, what did we think?

Post by XoX-Strigoi-XoX Sun Mar 22, 2009 7:16 pm


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So, what did we think? - Page 2 Empty Re: So, what did we think?

Post by Moroi Princess Sun Mar 22, 2009 7:22 pm

Does everyone like Snat Snat's Avi?
Moroi Princess
Moroi Princess
Moroi - Fire User

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So, what did we think? - Page 2 Empty Re: So, what did we think?

Post by some_random2 Sun Mar 22, 2009 7:24 pm

Haha. Keep forgetting to look at it!
I'll do that now, but I tell you I like it already.
Just because she didn't choose it.

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So, what did we think? - Page 2 Empty Re: So, what did we think?

Post by Moroi Princess Sun Mar 22, 2009 7:26 pm

I know! Its awesome!

She'll love it so much. And if she changes it, I change it back again. Maybe something else.
Moroi Princess
Moroi Princess
Moroi - Fire User

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So, what did we think? - Page 2 Empty Re: So, what did we think?

Post by XoX-Strigoi-XoX Sun Mar 22, 2009 9:07 pm


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So, what did we think? - Page 2 Empty Re: So, what did we think?

Post by Moroi Princess Tue Mar 24, 2009 3:39 pm

Magic wrote:is too much like twilight and it looks like it was thrown together also the flash backs are confusing

Yes! I agree. I got Really confused then.
Moroi Princess
Moroi Princess
Moroi - Fire User

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So, what did we think? - Page 2 Empty Re: So, what did we think?

Post by XoX-Strigoi-XoX Tue Mar 24, 2009 5:18 pm

i didn't really

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So, what did we think? - Page 2 Empty Re: So, what did we think?

Post by Moroi Princess Tue Mar 24, 2009 5:24 pm

Didn't you?
I'm reading it again. Maybe it won't be as confusing this time! Smile
Moroi Princess
Moroi Princess
Moroi - Fire User

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So, what did we think? - Page 2 Empty Re: So, what did we think?

Post by some_random2 Tue Mar 24, 2009 5:31 pm

I didn't get confused. But I hate books that leave things a mystery for too long, because normally whenever I hear mention of "The accident" or whatever, I begin to think, Damn. I must have missed the bit where it explained it! Well, shit.

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So, what did we think? - Page 2 Empty Re: So, what did we think?

Post by Moroi Princess Tue Mar 24, 2009 5:35 pm

Yeah, I got confused about that as well!
It did get annoying.
Moroi Princess
Moroi Princess
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So, what did we think? - Page 2 Empty Re: So, what did we think?

Post by XoX-Strigoi-XoX Tue Mar 24, 2009 11:34 pm

that was annoying

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So, what did we think? - Page 2 Empty Re: So, what did we think?

Post by playradioplay Wed Mar 25, 2009 12:22 am

Moroi Princess wrote:Yeah, there were mistakes in the book as well. It was really annoying. Jenni thinks that the book was just rushed to get there in time for Twilight.

That's what I reckon. The author, whoever it is, was like. "Oh! Epic vampire craze! Quick. WRITE. WRITE. WRITE. Before they realize vampire stories are gay! AHHH!"

Or something to that effect.

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So, what did we think? - Page 2 Empty Re: So, what did we think?

Post by Moroi Princess Wed Mar 25, 2009 12:36 am

Yeah, it was all just one big rush.
She's slowed down now though, just because Breaking Dawn is over.

Moroi Princess
Moroi Princess
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So, what did we think? - Page 2 Empty Re: So, what did we think?

Post by some_random2 Wed Mar 25, 2009 12:52 am

*Hugs Hayley*
Oh, and maybe RM wasn't planning on getting it in time for the Twilight craze. Maybe she just enjoyed writing it, and therefore wrote quicker.
You know how you're eager to read a book when you like it?

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So, what did we think? - Page 2 Empty Re: So, what did we think?

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